Have Faith in God’s Word
Are you having difficulty or struggling to have a consistent prayer life? Or are there times when you don't feel like praying?
In times when you do not know how to pray or what words to say, Pray the Word of God!
You will feel strengthened, encouraged, and comforted as you pray His Word. Joy will spring forth. His blanket of peace will rest upon you, and His love will surround you.
Psalms 119:103 “How sweet are thy words to my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
Tenga Fe En La Palabra De Dios (Spanish Edition)
Tenga fe en la Palabra de Dios
¿Tiene dificultades o lucha para tener una vida de oración constante? ¿O hay momentos en que no tienes ganas de orar?
En momentos que no sabes cómo orar ni qué palabras decir, ¡Ora la Palabra de Dios!
Te sentirás fortalecido, animado y consolado al orar Su Palabra. La alegría brotará. Su manto de paz reposará sobre ti y Su amor te rodeará.
Salmos 119:103 "¡Cuán dulces son a mi paladar tus palabras! Más que la miel a mi boca."
Persevere and Overcome
With Jesus Christ, you can overcome trials, afflictions, and hardships.
God sent Nehemiah to rebuild the wall. In his quest to do the will of God, on many occasions, the adversary tried to distract him. Nehemiah never gave up, and - with tenacity - he completed the wall.
Despite attacks from the enemy, you can be victorious. God will fight for you and give you victory. God has called every one of His children to do a work. As you take steps to fulfill the will of God, be aware there is an adversary who wants to discourage you from fulfilling the work of God. Whatever fiery darts the enemy sends to distract, delay, or destroy God’s plan for your life, encourage yourself in the Lord and declare, “I will not be afraid. I will not give up. I will keep pressing on until I have completed my God-given assignment.”
Today, declare, “I will persevere until I overcome - I am an overcomer!”
21 Day Heart Challenge
We all desire to have healthy hearts. No one wants to hear the doctors say, “Your heart is performing below its capability, without change, you are at risk for heart disease and even death.” Anyone hearing this news will adhere to all recommendations provided by the doctors to improve the functioning of their heart.
Similar to the physical, our hearts reveal who we are in our words and actions. If our heart is unhealthy in the spiritual, we risk experiencing spiritual stagnation in our spiritual growth. The good news is that God has given us access to His Word, similar to the doctor's instructions. As we allow His word to work within our hearts, a pure heart will be cultivated, and godly speech and Christlike actions will flow from it.
Do you desire to have a pure heart? This 21-day heart challenge will inspire you to seek after having a pure heart.
Psalm 19:14 says, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”
21 Day Consecration Prayer Journal
In the Old Testament, everything about the Tabernacle was consecrated. The altar, the instruments, the priests, and even their garments were consecrated unto the Lord. Likewise, we must willingly yield every area of our lives to the Lord, our eyes, ears, tongue, and will.
This book is designed to give you insight into areas that may hinder you from living a life devoted to God. It provides verses you can pray or memorize, to help you on your journey to living a consecrated life.
God is holy, and He is calling His people to live a holy life. “Having, therefore, these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Corinthians 7:1).